ABC's of TK  

AbsencesAttendance at TK is very important! Your child's progress, both academically and socially, is greatly influenced by daily participation. However, if your child is sick and needs to stay home, please call 619-956-2400 Press 1 and follow the prompts.

Arrival/Dismissal ProcedureChildren can enter the classroom between 7:30-7:45am. The gate off Woodglen Vista is open for TK families only. For dismissal, the ELP gate will be opened and your child will look for you.  If someone other than Mom or Dad is picking up your child, please let me know. Unless I have written consent from you, I can only release your child to the people listed on the emergency card. Please make sure you have emergency contacts listed. Your child's safety is my priority!

Backpacks: Please send your child with a full-sized backpack each day. Include a change of clothes, including underwear and socks, in case of an accident. Folders will be placed in backpacks most days and should be returned the next day. 

BehaviorI believe students thrive on positive recognition and praise. I work hard to create an atmosphere of friendship and respect in my classroom. I strongly believe that all students have the right to learn in a safe and productive environment. I teach students that life is about choices and learning to make good choices will be emphasized throughout the year. I strive for consistency, and I will begin the school year with clear expectations. The first couple weeks we will practice the procedures and expectations in the classroom. Before you know it, the procedures become a habit for the students.

At this young age, children are still learning how to share, express their feelings, solve conflicts, etc. If a problem occurs, your child and I will look at what was done, who might have been affected, how they might feel, and think of other ways to have handled the situation. I believe EVERY situation is a TEACHABLE MOMENT!!

Our Classroom Rules:                                             Our Classroom Rewards:

1. Looking Eyes                                                        1. A happy teacher and happy  students   

2. Listening Ears                                                      2. Verbal Praise

3. Quiet Voice                                                          3. Drops in our class bucket

4. Helping Hands                                                    4. Citizens of the Day

5. Walking Feet                                                        5. Positive phone calls

                                                                                         6. Falcon Proud Awards

                                                                                         7. Prizes from the prize tub

Our Classroom Consequences:

1.    Verbal Redirection and Friendly Reminders

2.    Loss of Privileges

3.    Take a break with the classroom aide

BirthdaysBirthdays are such an exciting time in your child's life! We will celebrate by singing to your child and making their day extra special. If you would like to bring a treat to class, please send in small treat, gift bags, birthday pencils, etc. Due to allergies, no food items can be shared. We have 23 students at this time.

Book Orders: Book orders will be placed online. There is no obligation to participate, but is a great way to build your child’s at home library with quality books at a reasonable price. Each child will also receive a gift book from me each month, thanks to the generosity of my friends.

Citizen of the Day: Two students will be selected to bring home a note each day for making good behavior choices. Every student will be rewarded multiple times throughout the year.

CommunicationCommunication between home and school is vital to your child's success. I value your involvement and believe I can better teach your child when working in partnership with you and your family. Therefore, consistent, positive communication with you is one of my top priorities. To keep you informed, I will be sending a weekly email and a folder that will go home most days, where you are free to send me notes.

You know your child better than anyone, and I value all that I can learn from you! I welcome your questions, comments, and any concerns you may have.

Please contact me anytime: Classroom Number: 619-956-2421.  

e-Mail: [email protected]

Dress for Success: Please make sure that your child is dressed appropriately for energetic (and sometimes messy!) learning and play at school. Clothing should be washable, comfortable, and cover well when running, jumping, and turning upside down. Shoes should be sturdy, with closed toes and backs. Tennis shoes/sneakers are best. No flip flops or clogs.

eMail: I check my school e-mail every day before and after school. I will respond to your emails promptly. I send a weekly email update, which contains important information about what students are learning, special activities/events and questions to ask your child to help you know what they are learning at school.

Fabulous Falcons: Two to three students will be awarded a Fabulous Falcon award each month based on the school-wide behavior focus of the moth. You will be invited to the awards assembly.

Goodbyes: Saying goodbyes at school can be very emotional for you and your child. But try to send your child off with a smile and a wave along with the reassurance that you will see them after school.

Health: Please let me know of any special circumstances that may affect your child (i.e., medications that make him/her sleepy, a death in the family, etc.) Please send your child to school with a healthy snack. Cookies and candy should be saved for home.

Homework: There will not be homework, although if your child continues to need help with a skill, I may send a paper home for additional practice from time to time. It is also important to read with your child every day!  

iPads: Your child does have a school iPad. They will not be bringing them home during TK. We will be using them at school to enhance their learning and provide enrichment.

Illness: The question of when to keep your child home from school is often a difficult one, especially when the decision may affect your work schedule and alternate arrangements may need to be made. It is important, however, to keep your child home if he/she is ill. This helps them to feel better quicker and prevents others from becoming ill. Children function more effectively in the classroom if they are healthy. Your child must be fever free for 24 hours before returning to school! Also, please Keep your child home if they have cold symptoms. The best way to keep us all healthy is to stay home when we are sick. Please be sure to call the absence line or enter it using the website.

Jar/Bucket: Your children will be working hard to earn “drops” to fill our puff jar. When the jar is full the class will get a special treat like a popcorn party, free play, etc.

Kindergarten Readiness: There are many things you can do to help prepare your child for kindergarten. One of the most important is communication. Have a lot of conversation every day. Remember, if all else fails...just be positive!

Library: We will have a scheduled time for the school library each week. We will work towards checking out books. They will keep them to the classroom. They will also enjoy hearing stories from our librarian, Mrs. Siebern.

My Goals: My goal in the classroom is to instill a lifelong love for learning that will carry on with my students throughout their educational journey. I want to give my students a solid foundation (academically, socially, and emotionally) that they will use as a springboard toward reaching their fullest potential. It is my goal that every child will come to believe in their own abilities-that they can accomplish anything because they have the tools and a growth mindset (“I can” or instead of “I can’t” it’s “I can’t do it yet.”). Every child will know that they are very much loved by me and that I value them for the unique individuals they are. Be assured that I will guide and encourage your child, celebrating each step of the way as he/she gains a love of learning, self-confidence, and the academic skills that form a foundation for continued success.

NO Toys Policy: The school has a NO Toy Policy. Please check your child's backpack to make sure no toys have hidden themselves inside there.

Open Door Policy: Please know that I have an open-door policy in my classroom, and invite you to be a part of your child's school adventure.

Office Contact Information:619-956-2400

Prizes: Your child will be bringing home small prizes every couple of weeks. This is to help encourage positive behavior choices.

Progress: Your child's progress will be monitored throughout the year in various ways. If I am concerned about your child's progress, I will let you know. Progress reports will be sent home each Trimester.

Questions: I'm sure you will have some unanswered questions. Please feel free to contact me anytime if you have any questions or concerns. You can also contact the school secretary for further information.

READING! READING! READING! Students will be encouraged to read 20 minutes a night with a family member. Studies show that reading is one of the greatest ways to ensure educational success for your child.

Room Parent: Every class needs a room parent!! The job of the room parent is to collaborate with me to coordinate parties and activities, to seek volunteers when needed, and help in the classroom when needed. Being a room parent is a great way to be involved in your child's school life.

Schedule: School begins promptly at 7:45 am and ends at 11:30 am. We have a 15minute recess and 20-25 minute lunch break each day.

Sharing Bags: Two students each day will bring home the sharing bags. Please help your child choose one item to share that begins with the letter written on the tag on the bag. Write down three clues, practice saying them with your child and include them in the bag with the item to be shared. The other students will have the opportunity to guess what is in the bag.

Snack: Some children generally get hungry by midmorning so please send your child with a healthy snack. Snacks will be placed in the snack tub when your child comes in the classroom each morning. It is helpful if this item is separate from their lunch and labeled with their name.

Take Home Folder: Your child will take home a daily folder and is a good place for notes to me.  Please complete any of the forms placed in the Return to School side of the folder and return them as soon as possible. Your child’s daily work will also be placed in the folder.

Unique Theme Days: During the year we will enhance our learning by having theme days such as color days/hat day/stuffed animal day...etc. I will let you know ahead of time in the weekly email when these days will take place and what is needed to help them happen.

Volunteers: Volunteers are a vital asset to the overall success of my classroom and to our school. Without the help of our volunteers, our classroom would not be able to do as many fun and exciting projects, lessons, and activities. If you are interested in doing any type of volunteer work in our classroom, I will have a sign-up sheet available. (note: younger siblings should not be brought to the classroom when you are planning on volunteering in the classroom). A Volunteer form must be on file in the office. This form can be completed online.

Wish List: I always appreciate any extra help and support in the classroom. I will post a wish list of items that can be donated to our classroom in the email as needed. I will have sign-up sheets for special days where you can sign up to bring in needed items by the classroom door as you drop your children off. I will let you know to look for these in the weekly email. Thank you again for your support!

X-tra Clothes: Please have an extra pair of clothes in your child’s backpack, in case of an accident, If your child needs help changing they will be taken to the health clerk. If they are able to change on their own they can do so in the classroom bathroom. The wet clothes will be placed in a Ziploc in your child’s backpack. If your child returns home in different clothes than they wore to school know that you should check their backpack for the wet clothes. The Health Clerk has a limited supply of spare clothes. If your child brings these home they need to be washed and returned as soon as possible. In special circumstances, I may call home for you or a family member to come in and assist your child if needed.

You!: Please remember that you are your child's first and most important teacher. No one can influence your child's life in the way that you can! I also understand that you are their biggest advocate and want us to work as a team to help them have the best year possible.

ZzZzZz: Please make sure that your child gets plenty of rest each night. Setting and keeping a bedtime schedule helps them to be alert and ready to learn each day!