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Hi families,
I wanted to let you know what our next few weeks will look like…
In an effort to streamline content, I am creating dual curriculum that teaches multiple content standards at the same time.
We are beginning our non-fiction units in Language Arts, starting with a quick refresh lesson in text features. For the next three days they will be doing an “All About Me” project in class, applying the features found in non-fiction texts (think headings, bold and italic lettering, table of contents, captions, glossaries, indexes, photographs, etc.). Starting Thursday, we will be moving into our California Native American Tribe projects. They will be choosing one California tribe to focusing on and completing a research report lap book.
In writing, we are doing an informational/expository piece on the California Missions. Students will be choosing one mission to write about, and will be utilizing the text features they will be learning about in the next few days.
The week before Winter Break, we will be reading and working with The Polar Express for Language Arts and continuing our Missions report.
When we return from Winter Break, we will most likely be moving into our Westward Expansion unit and taking a look at California’s influx as a direct result of the Gold Rush era.
In math, we are concluding our multiplication unit and will be delving into division and eventually fractions/decimals.
I understand that these modified days are difficult to manage, but I (and Ms. Weese) are doing our best to incorporate as many of the 4th grade standards as we possibly can into the limited time we are given. When students are absent, we do everything we can to make sure they get caught up as quickly as possible.
As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please let me know! We are in this together.
Thank you,
Mrs. Amanda Boen
4th Grade Teacher
Cajon Park School
(619) 956-2449