Core Connections, Course 2 is the second of a three-year sequence of courses designed to prepare students for a rigorous college preparatory algebra course. On a daily basis, students in Core Connections, Course 2 use problem-solving strategies, questioning, investigating, analyzing critically, gathering and constructing evidence, and communicating rigorous arguments justifying their thinking. Students learn in collaboration with others while sharing information, expertise, and ideas. The course helps students to develop multiple strategies to solve problems and to recognize the connections between concepts. The lessons in the course meet all of the content standards and embed the "Mathematical Practices" of the Common Core State Standards released in June 2010.
Required Materials
To successfully complete this course, you will need
3 Ring Binder
- Graph paper
- Textbook Packet (to be kept in 3 ring binder)
- Pencils & erasers
Additional Print Resources
- Core Connections 2 Site http://cpm.org/cc2
- Core 2 Checkpoint Problems/Resources
- iReady diagnostics and supplementary activities
Online Resources
- Homework help is available @
General Rules
Classroom Procedures /Expectations
Students are expected to arrive in class with all required materials
Class work
Students will complete all class work and homework in their notebooks/packets
Students are required to participate in class discussions
Groups may be periodically assessed on how well they work together.
Homework is USUALLY assigned WEEKLY and must be completed by the due date USUALLY EVERY THURSDAY for students to receive full credit.
Partial credit will be given for late homework if it is completed. 70% DURING FIRST WEEK; 50% UP TO TWO WEEKS; 0 PTS AFTER TWO WEEKS
Students are responsible for checking the accuracy; I check homework for completeness.
EVERY THIRD FRIDAY OF THE MONTH students will participate in a MONTHLY CHECK-IN QUIZ that covers current work and revisits past content. This will be graded for correctness and is a component of the students' academic trimater grade.
Students having difficulties are encouraged to meet with me during a mutually agreed upon time. I am available after school until 3:00 or before school starting at 7:15 a.m.
Students are required to make up all missed work when absent. Make-Up Work: Any student with an excused absence will have two days upon return to submit/ complete any missed class and homework assignments tests or other time sensitive deadlines. Students will need to arrange a time to make up any tests, quizzes or projects
Late Work Policy
Students are allowed to turn in missing and late work (not due to absences) in accordance with the following guidelines:
2 days to 1 weeks past due date: 70% of original credit earned
1 week and day to 2 weeks = 50% of original credit earned
Student understandings of math concepts are regularly assessed using: Unit tests, quizzes, student presentations, projects, group assessments & a course final. Quizzes and unit assessments are timed. Extended time will be permitted for documented IEP students. All students have the opportunity to improve their assessment grades by completing exam/quiz corrections by the assigned date.
Grading Policies:
Grades will be determined by the percentages: Assessments 80%: Unit tests, Exit tickets, formal presentations, and all quizzes including Dreambox assignments and quizzes. All others 20%. They include; Homework, Tool Kit entries, posters, Daily warm-ups, STRAWs (study team review activity worksheets), You Cubed problem solving activities, etc.
Grading Scale:
A+ 100%-97% A 96%-93%, A- 92%-90%, B+ 89%-87%, B 86%-83%, B- 82%-80%, C+ 79%-77%, C- 72%-70%, D+ 69%-68%, D 67%-64%, D- 63%- 60%, F < 59%
Parent/Teacher Communication: Communication between teachers and parents is encouraged at any time throughout the school year. Parents may contact teachers or administrators in the following ways:
Phone calls 619-956-2477
Email - [email protected]
Parent/teacher Conferences
Guidance Counselor Contacts
Principal/Assistant Principal Contacts
Daily Communication using the planner