
Mrs. Meza

Colourful Pencils

Fourth Grade

Name: Tracy Meza
Email Address: [email protected]
Phone number: (619) 956-2436

Your child deserves the most positive and educational climate possible for academic growth. My goal is to provide each student with an educational program that will improve his/her skills through direct teaching instruction, guided instruction, independent skill reinforcement, collaborative learning group activities, and projects.

I am committed to the importance of parent involvement in a student's education. Your child receives the best education when you and the teacher work as a team. With your encouragement, your child will share in many exciting and rewarding experiences during the school year.


Distance Learning

I have added a Distance Learning Link (on the left handside). This link will give you access to resources, websites, and PDF files for use during our time away from school. I hope you find this helpful in accessing all of our resources in one place.

Paper and Pen